General Data Protection Regulation
Effective control of access to the most sensitive documentation and data, with automatic registration of the User, date and time.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in force since 25 May 2018, has replaced the previous data protection structure under the EU Data Protection Directive.
Regulators and legislators may have thought of big business when writing the regulation, but the GDPR makes it clear that it applies to any company or person who owns or manipulates personal data, on any scale, and that includes paper files.
In practice, looking at it in a simplistic way, the GDPR brings rules and principles of good practices, prevention, responsibility and transparency that must be observed by all. This is the focus of the GDPR.
Transparency, communicate to Users that data is collected, which, and for what purpose they are intended. It is also mandatory to inform the National Data Protection Commission of any unauthorized access.
Depending on the size of the organization, it may be necessary to appoint or hire a Data Protection Officer, you can seek support from a consultant who can certify the security of your data and protection processes.
If you need to store data such as names, emails, addresses, economic and personal data, etc., use only physical solutions, servers or programs that guarantee your security and that record all access.
Some of our solutions:
Biometrics solutions for access management and auditing
Application on doors and other accesses ...
Solutions for physical security and document protection
Locks, doors, safes, filers, cabinets, etc.
Solutions for digital security , encryption and protection of data and computer files
Compatible with all operating systems. Works on any device with a USB connection.
AES-XTS 256-bit military grade encryption.
Certifications: NCSC CPA, NLNCSA BSPA & NATO Restricted level certified | FIPS 140-2 Level 3 (pending).
GDPR / GDPR compliance.
The information contained in this article is for indicative purposes only. For detailed and complete information you should consult the GDPR.